Chill Rap

Looking for the perfect Chill Rap Spotify playlist? Check out Melody Melon's relaxing and vibed out rap playlist, Chill Rap.

Hit us up

chill rap

The chillest rap hits of our modern times.

Playlist Artwork
Playlist Artwork

Get placed on our playlist!

Have a song that just isn't getting the attention it deserves? Send it to us and we may be able to offer promotional campaigns for your music! Check out the 'For Artists' page for more information.

Send us a Message

Submitting a song

1. We will review the song.

When we recieve a song submit we will review the song and judge its potential on our playlists.

2. Discuss payment.

If we approve your song for our playlists we will return with a list of playlists and their costs.

3. Place it on our playlists.

Your track will get exposure on our playlists and your results will flood in.

Our Playlists

Playlist Artwork
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Playlist Artwork
Playlist Artwork